magic underfoot. gingko leaves and cobblestones.
sunrise, yesterday, here at our “bit of earth”.
candlelight at supper. to gather ourselves, settle ourselves and name gratitudes. the exhale before we pick up our forks.
our devoted girls. wilma and corazón.
All I have for you today are a few links for you to explore.
We listened to this piece while taking a wee road trip. It’s a real treat, because Krista Tippet is being interviewed, a reversal for her, as she is most often the interviewer. Dan Harris of the Ten Percent Happier podcast followed up with Krista on a TED Talk she had recently delivered. The podcast is called Three Skills for Staying Calm, Sane and Open in a Chaotic World. I may listen to it again, it was filled with gems and I want to really absorb them.
Here’s a quick listen, about the Lewiston, ME high school soccer team. It may give you the warm fuzzies.
scavenged beauty from the gardens and the meadow. an autumn “hello” by the front door.
Take care, dearest ones. Know that I am grateful for each time you show up here, leave a comment or drop a “like”. Thank you. I’ll be back in a bit with a giveaway, some big curiosity and more “devotion to little things”.