Detroit, a giveaway and some big curiosity

6:27 AM, leaving our ridge in Vermont on November 20th

5:39 PM, approaching the Detroit metro area that same day.

We drove through Canada this time, passports in hand, and saved a bit of time. We watched the mists at Niagara as we crossed the Rainbow Bridge, two days before it showed up in the news. :-(

Batman and Maggie, walking in the woods.

A bunch of kids and their spouses, five grandkids, two strollers, a wagon and a pup and her person. Walking along the Dequindre Cut in Detroit.

It was a huge treat to go with Lindsey to help out at Sister Pie, at pick time for pre-orders (there were multiple time slots for pick ups!). Lisa and her team baked 900 pies and countless cookies and treats in the three days before Thanksgiving. It was such a fun few hours, where everyone walking in had a smile on their face, anticipating the yumminess that was in store for them.

Hannah, Batman and I had lunch together one day and went to Pewabic Pottery to have a look around. What gorgeous hand crafted tiles! Founded in 1903, the pottery was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1991.

Now that Hannah and Lindsey are neighbors, six blocks from one another, Batman and I were hosted by Lindsey for the first half of our visit and by Hannah for the second half. We were lucky to have time with Gretta and her family midweek and then all four kids, their partners and our grandkids had Friday together. What a wild rumpus!

The week was filled with reading, reading, reading, playing, crafting, walking, laughing, dancing, napping. Watching the little cousins play together was, gulp, almost more than my heart could handle. And there was a bit of shopping, including a trip to Eastern Market, one of my fave Detroit destinations. Batman made a stop at Carhartt, a Detroit clothing brand that translates well to the Vermont rural scene.

The magic of roads and the interstate highway system and our well maintained Subaru (and carefully packed snacks) are nothing I take lightly. That practical combo allows us to connect our wee homestead in Vermont to our beloved family in the Midwest. I do not take any of it for granted.

I are do hope that each of you had a chance for some fun with those you love these past few weeks.

Can you guess what this is?

A super cute, easy sew bookmark!

I’ve been writing this blog since January 2009. Yikes! It has changed over the years, for sure, just as I have. I’m not so sure I’ve done a great job of writing about sewing and sowing lately. But this afternoon, I stitched a fabric bookmark, using this tutorial, and I’m hoping to get into my studio more often this month.

My blog topics have rambled all over the place these past 14 years. I have such curiosity…what would you like to see more of, dearest readers? If you would be so kind as to leave a comment below, letting me know what brings you here, what you especially enjoy, maybe even what you don’t like! Your feedback will help me focus my writing this winter. I’ll drop your names in a basket and pull one random name out next Tuesday, December 5th at noon EST. The little fabric bookmark will find its way through the postal system to the winner’s mailbox.

I’d also be happy to hear from you via email, if you’re a bit shy about leaving comments here. Or you can use the “contact us” form, here.

In any case, happy December, friends! This is the month of coziness, sparking lights, and hope. xo
