Lichen and crusty snow on a crabapple branch.
Crabapples and ice and Falu siding.
This is why I don’t tidy up my flower garden in the fall.
Our first snow of the season. Good morning!
The only way to describe the state of affairs around here is “suspended animation” or “on pause”. I cooked the wrong ratio of oats to water yesterday, and ended up with a bit of a mess. I can’t seem to get through my email in an organized fashion. I doze off at random times, many times a day. But that’s OK, ‘cause I am recovering slowly. I am devoted to pausing, not “pushing through”, or “bucking up”. Are there ways you can pause in the midst of these turbulent times? My favorite ways to pause…looking up at the sky, relaxing shoulders, inhaling deeply, brewing some tea, taking a walk, reading poetry, mending, getting a CAT scan from Wilma or Cora…
I don’t have any nifty projects to share with you, or much to say. I thought I’d share some gems I’ve found on the occasions when I am focused enough to navigate the internet.
Do you listen to unsung hero on NPR? I heard this episode this morning and wanted to share it with you. The little things. The little things that can change lives. xo
Hannah Nunn really does a nice job of making me smile. Right around the time I posted about my acorns, she wrote this lovely piece.
If you have enjoyed Wintering or Enchantment by Katherine May, I recommend her recent piece on Substack, How to Feel Grounded, Finding Calm in Dark Times.
When we change the clocks the twinkle lights over the kitchen sink get plugged in at breakfast and stay on through supper. Because I am devoted to little sparkly bits of hope.
Sending love and hope and comfort to all of you, dearest readers. xo