Vermont quilters at billings farm

Back in early August, I had promised you photos from the annual quilt exhibit at Billings Farm and Museum in Woodstock VT. Until recently, the exhibit showcased quilters from Windsor County. This year, the show was opened up to quilters anywhere in Vermont. The variety of work was dazzling! These are some of my faves…

I’m including the notes with the quilts, because I think they illustrate just beautifully how our hearts are stitching right along with our hands when we sit down to create a quilt.

This one, above, was stitched by one of my buddies from the modern quilt guild I belonged to for ages up in Burlington.

Of course, the quilt, above, appealed to me in a big way…

Billings Farm and Museum did a wonderful job of spreading the theme of quilts all over their property. I showed you some of the barn quilts here. A scavenger hunt was put together to help kids become engaged with the quilts. Both Maggie and Flora (on two separate trips) were tickled to get their blue ribbons upon completion of the hunt.

Out on the lawn, there were corn hole games, painted with a variety of quilt squares.

Honoring a long history of mixing politics with hand crafts I’ve just registered for a free, livestream event on September 15th, 2024. I read about it in the latest newsletter from Gather Here. Find out more here. Michelle’s “DO SOMETHING” has been ringing in my ears! Maybe I’ll “see you” there?

I finished the little book I was making for my Mumsie. Here’s a teaser, above. Mashing up her favorite colors of aqua and turquoise with a long hoarded fortune cookie, this is the cover.

These next few months promise to be a bit of a wild ride. Fasten your seat belts and come along with me for some fun distractions. I hope you’ll join me and add your own two cents in the comments along the way!
