hello again

On Wednesday morning, this magical rainbow arched across our view. It seemed to be a manifestation of the seeds of hope that have been planted for those of us who are craving it.

And on Sunday afternoon, I wandered down to the meetinghouse, for the summer’s last “Braintree Bluegrass Brunch”, where I caught up with neighbors, listened to great music and did some hand quilting in the shade. Kids, oldsters, locals, out-of-towners, bikers, networkers, friends, families…the hum of civility and fun was palpable.

I was down at King Arthur Baking earlier this week, and when I went into a restroom stall I was delighted to see a post-it note stuck to the back of the door that said “you are beautiful” with a smiley face drawn on it. Random act of sweetness.

Last week, a few of my book club buddies met on Susan’s screened-in porch to write postcards to registered voters in swing states, asking them to be sure they have a plan for how to vote in November. No electioneering, just a gentle reminder of one of the responsibilities of a living in democratic society.

On August 6th, I attended the 5th Vermont Community Leadership Summit, where over 500 folks gathered in community to learn together and forge stronger civic bonds. Did you know that in Vermont nearly 18% of the state’s workers are employed by 501c3s? As of May 2018, there were 6,004 not for profits in the state. Tiny Vermont is 16th in the nation for our volunteer rate! (Info found here )

I cannot express how energizing it felt to be in the midst of so many good people at the summit. I felt like I was gulping energy from an oasis of hope and relief. For so many reasons, life feels like it’s filled with possibility again.

When Lindsey and her family were here, we went to the Granite Museum in Barre. (If your son-in-law is a geologist, this is a “must see”.) I was struck over and over again as I wandered the huge old manufacturing shed, of the immigrants and craftspeople who flooded to central Vermont to shape the rocks that came out of the quarries here. I love to look for working hands wherever I go, and these two images made me catch my breath.

Rainbows, community gatherings, summits, postcards, working hands, post it notes…

I’m reminded of Tolkien’s great wizard Gandalf,…

“Some believe that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I’ve found. I found it is the small things, every day deeds by ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay.

Let’s all keep shining our lights, friends. Bright, sparkling, beacons of hope and joy.
