Sharing my progress on my 100 days of stitching project…this page background dyed with Hopi Black Dye Sunflower seeds, fresh indigo leaf image transferred using Japanese Tataki-zomé technique.
Page background dyed with homegrown tansy. Radish fabric from Spoonflower, designed by my longtime blogging buddy Anne Butera. Check out the site, Anne has some wonderful choices over there! This page was stitched in celebration of the arrival of our seed order. :-)
Page background, linen dyed with indigo grown here at our bit of earth. Birch trunks and wee bird from Ink and Spindle. (Read about Gretta’s Ink and Spindle adventures here.)
Leaf image made with an eraser I cut and printed with years ago. Buttons from my Mumsie’s stash. Read more about the 100 days of stitching here. I continue to add golden thread to most of the pages, to honor the children’s book The Golden Thread, a song for Pete Seeger.
Setting aside 15 minutes on even the busiest of days has been such a good reminder to slow down for a bit. Breathe, pause, focus.
ARE YOU STITCHING A BOOK? Please tell us about your progress in the comments below. xo
As I threaded the elastic through the casing on Batman’s PJ bottoms, I realized this diaper pin has traveled with me for nearly 43 years. From Puerto Rico, to Chicagoland, to Connecticut and now here to Vermont. Sometimes it’s heartwarming to appreciate small things. The clever design of a diaper pin, the intensity of new motherhood, the usefulness of an object over four babyhoods, and then finding a new purpose all these years later. Just a few sentimental thoughts…
As these pants flapped in the wind, I was so very glad that I took a good bit of time to match the plaid when I cut these out. Such a surprise that I pulled it off!
These favorite felted wool slippers are beginning to show their age. I grabbed some grosgrain ribbon, some pearl cotton and set to work. Presto! Many more miles to go.
My heart got a good tugging when I came across my childhood puppy. I guess these intense days prompted me to see what I could do to bring it back to some sort of comfort friend.
I removed as much of the stuffing (ground nuts!?!?) as I could, soaked it overnight is a gentle soap, rinsed it and air dried it. Then I removed the ear mending I did when I was about 7 years old and spruced them up. New stuffing and a tartan plaid ribbon later, and puppy is ready for a renewed life.
This wonderful poster just arrived, ordered from the sweet sister duo at The Far Woods. I cannot tell you how much I love supporting small, thoughtful artists when I can. Their newsletter is a precious resource for me, providing suggested readings, updates from their shop and inspiration for living a life with intention.
My old fave, Gather Here has just celebrated their 14th birthday. From their newsletter… “P.S. With my heart on my sleeve since the beginning, I hope you all know what a big deal it is for gather here to be turning 14 years old. We recently heard of more fiber, fabric, and craft small businesses closings that this year and we know it's a mixture of my stubborn disposition, our wonderful team, a bit of luck, and folks like YOU. YOU choose to shop small when you can. YOU vote with your wallet. YOU recognize that running a small business isn't just about selling "stuff" but also cultivating the kind of world we want to live in. Thank you. ❤️, VBJ”
Sew Liberated, oh yes, another gem. “Some days, all you can do is get dressed. And as makers, it’s good to know that simply getting dressed in thrifted, handmade, and mended clothes is a caring act.”
Well dearest readers, it’s raining here in Vermont…the first day above freezing in ages. Thw road to town is a slushy, mushy mess. Back to freezing and more snow on Thursday, so we’ll just hunker in.
Welcome to new subscriber Sally, our Mahjong mentor and very kind friend.
I’ll be back tomorrow with some book talk. Until then, please know that I appreciate your presence here, and I love knowing that there are kindred spirits scattered out in the ether. Keep hope in your hearts, friends. We shall carry on!