Reading and listening and a wee bit of stitching

The other day, this well loved library book came home with me. Looking for something simple and cozy to read while sipping afternoon tea, this seemed just right. Tasha Tudor’s legacy lives on here in Vermont, and photos for the book were taken by legendary Vermont photographer Richard W. Brown. It’s a gem.

Our book group gave The Square of Sevens mixed reviews. A historical fiction novel written by Laura Shepherd-Robinson, the book tells the story of a young and orphaned fortune teller and her search for answers about her life. Some thought it needed editing, some thought the plot line was convoluted. Some were intrigued by the “square of sevens” technique for telling fortunes. If you read it, what did you think? (Gail N?)

Hannah, Lindsey and I had a good conversation via Zoom about Robin Wall Kimmerer’s The Serviceberry. The premise of abundance and reciprocity seems even more challenging these days, but also something to aspire to. Batman who has a fondness for the serviceberry bushes in our yard read it too. He majored in economics in college and has an MBA and he was also (surprisingly?) intrigued. A very quick read, I recommend it to you.

As our days wind down with Ted Kooser’s Winter Morning Walks, I cherish each passage. Another spiritual anchor for these raw times. We’ll need to find a spring devotional reading! Any ideas?

Our book group is setting aside both March and April to read Familiaris, David Wroblewski’s follow up to The Story of Edward Sawtelle. It’s 975 pages will not be for the feint of heart!

I have put in an interlibrary loan request for Dean Spade’s Mutual Aid, building solidarity during this crisis (and the next). Our small rural library depends on other libraries in the Vermont system to share titles as we do. And I borrowed the Mahjong set from our “Library of Things” as I am hosting our game on Sunday afternoon.

I stitched this patchwork pouch (lots of fussy cutting!) for Theo’s third birthday and enclosed two stickers…the play sticker is from my friend Lori Roberts and the kitty is from Gather Here. His name is Theodore and he is the shop cat! Batman made a fire station for all of Theo’s matchbox emergency vehicles. Sure do wish I could bake that boy a cake and drop by with it. :-)

Here’s the latest page I’ve been working on for my 100 days of stitching project.

Yesterday I listened (in my studio) to an Apple podcast with Trevor Noah talking with Robert Putnam, author of Bowling Alone. They discuss how building community may be more important than ever. A documentary Join or Die will be playing locally here soon, following Putnam’s journey as he researched Bowling Alone. I got a lot from the podcast, it’s worth a listen, I think. Looking forward to the film.

Krista Tippett has a Substack posting that is quite lovely (I just love how her brain and heart work as a team.) on the wisdom of pulling back from the news. You can read it here.

Have you heard of The People’s Union? They organized today’s “buy nothing day”, a 24 hour Economic Blackout. You can read about it here.

Dearest readers, what have you been reading, listening to, stitching, knitting, cooking, baking, playing…

Do share in the comments below, so that we all might have a peek into what is bringing you light and joy and hope!

With warmest wishes, me.