treading water

In February, Batman pruned the apple trees. He brought an armful of the branches into the house and put them in a vase by the front windows.

Good morning, dearest ones. It’s been awhile. You know how it seems that life’s challenges “cluster up” sometimes? Well, the last six weeks have just been a jumble of things knocking on my door one after another. And there really has not been a way to triage. So I’ve been in the thick of it. For days. For weeks.

In a few days, they bloomed and filled the living room with light and hope and cheer.

And this is where devotion has helped me out. I’ve started most days with meditation. Sometimes it’s a very short session, but it helps. And I’ve looked for beauty. In waiting rooms, along the highway, across the valley, walking on the beach, in a barn. I’ve found solace in very simple activities…sorting laundry, washing dishes, shoveling snow, checking pantry supplies.

Snuggling with Sidney Poitier, when he was not yet 24 hours old. I met him the night before, minutes after he slithered out of his mama, Beatrix.

I’ve leaned on friends. I’ve leaned on family. I’ve kept an eye out for signs of spring amidst huge and beautiful snowstorms.

Sunset last night, as the latest storm lifted.

This morning, when I was lonely for the sensation of a thread pulled through the eye of a needle, but did not have the energy to dig into a project, I mended a small hole in a down comforter. I felt myself settle, to breathe, to calm.

Sometimes when we need help the most, we can find it in the simplest places.

Which brings me to my Department of Hope. Here in Vermont, the first week in March brings old fashioned Town Meetings to many towns and villages. Friends and neighbors gather to discuss how best to meet the needs of their town. There’s lively, respectful discussion. Motions and budgets are passed or voted down. Folks are nominated for positions from the floor. (Watch out for being “voluntold”!) Often, there's a pot luck lunch held after the meeting adjourns. In person Town Meetings were sorely missed during COVID times.

Our public radio station covered a story that had Batman and I grinning from ear to ear. Democracy in action in a big way! You can listen to the story here, “Elementary School Kids Hold Their Own Mock Town Meeting in Woodbury.” This story may restore your faith in the democratic process.

As I navigate the challenging days still ahead, I take comfort in knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel, Persephone will return, things will find an equilibrium again.

And I remain devoted to you, my dearest readers, because we are all on this journey of life together. Near or far, I keep thoughts of you close to my heart. xo

standing still


Hello friends. I have a winter "bucket list" and yesterday I crossed something off the list. It was a magical experience! I stood outside, amidst our 16" of snow, with some of it still swirling in the air. There was a very light breeze and I was well bundled up. I stood near our bird feeders, with arm outstretched, my hand cupping a mound of birdseed. I stood still and breathed gently while the little birds fluttered and chattered around me. They flew so close that I felt the air stir around my head. I stood for a long time, shifting my weight whenever I felt my legs falling asleep. I sank deeper and deeper into the present moment. A nuthatch perched on the feeder and cocked its head, looking at my palm. Then, in an ethereal moment it flitted down, perched on my glove and took a seed from my palm. My eyes filled with tears and I felt such awe and grace in that moment. It's so good to be reminded that there is sanctuary all around us. That we can find hope and calm and peace in the natural world.

daydreaming and book reading

green harbor, marshfield, massachusetts.

tide coming in.

quilting lines?

this pebble is just the color of some cotton fabric in my stash, hand dyed with madder root.

We were back in Massachusetts last week and as we took a morning walk on the beach I found all sorts of inspiration along the sand. I look forward to stitching a meditative hand appliqué wall hanging this spring. There’s a lot going on right now, and a small portable hand project seems just the right thing to start.

Back when we were dreaming about our house renovation, I hoped to have a little library, with space for shelves, a comfy chair and a vintage reading lamp. Alas, a library did not find its way into our final plans, but ever the clever guy, Batman suggested several little libraries scattered around the house. Brilliant! At the top of the stairs you can find our religion/spirituality collection. The top shelf holds my most recent book group titles. In the upstairs guest room we have a shelf on the wall over the dresser, with books about Vermont, and a few best sellers. In the alcove off of our bedroom we stash the fiction, children’s books, travel and home decor books. Our room of requirement holds our cookbooks, a small bookcase in the living room is filled with our poetry books. A row of low bookcubes sit under the windows at the front of the house. There you can find homesteading books, field guides and gardening books. In my studio you’ll find a wall of art books, craft books and quilting/sewing/ mending books. Out in Batman’s workshop he has a stash of carpentry books and “how to” books. Someday, we will need to cull all these treasures, but for now it’s a pleasure to visit our mini libraries, mug of tea in hand. It would be such fun if you, dearest readers, could wander with me and we could do some book chatting together.

I have enjoyed two blog posts lately, where some of my favorite bloggers share books that are inspiring them right now. Take a peek at Anne Butera’s post, here, and Hannah Nunn’s lovely collection is here.

The book group I’m part of is in the midst of our annual voting. I’m looking forward to seeing what titles we end up with.

What’s inspiring you, dearest readers? What are you reading? What project are you itching to get going on? Drop a note in the comments if you are so moved.

PS I will write about Meyer lemons in my next post!



amaryllis ready to bloom on a very chilly windowsill.

bird’s eye view, yesterday, with seven buds!

opening this morning.

We made it through the bitter spell, when arctic blasts battered our cozy “bit of earth”. Two days of -24 degrees Fahrenheit, with a wind chill factor to -40. Whew! Maybe you had a dose at your place too. We had made sure everything was in good order when we heard the forecast, and we did not leave the house for a few days, except to fill the bird feeders! How lucky we were…to have food, shelter, fuel and the option to stay home.

Jigsaw puzzling, reading, sewing, knitting, cooking, baking, a bit of screen time…we were hunkered in. We watched the sky change, as the sunlight drifted in between clouds and then left again. Stargazing is best on chilly winter nights, but we did not venture out.

The house has been filled with fragrance. Meyer lemon blooms in our upstairs bedroom, paper white narcissus in the living room. The blooms are also a welcome sight as the view outdoors was filled with swirling and drifting snow. The “draft dodger” has been pushed up to the threshold at the front door. We pulled the sliding door across the breezeway and latched it. Snug and cozy. Just like these goofballs…

pull that box right up to the radiator!

mirror images, big and little.

In today’s offering from my Department of Hope, (where I’ll be sharing gems to help you embrace light) I’m linking you to Krista Tippet and her newest episode of On Being. These wonderful interviews are back after a bit of a break. Batman and I listened to The Thrilling New Science of Awe, with Dacher Keltner (and his Greater Good Science Center at Berkeley.) Just WOW! I think it may deserve a second listen. I really hope you will love it.

I’m still playing with my food. Yesterday I pulled a bunch of bits and pieces out of the fridge and make a chopped slaw. I chiffonaded Napa cabbage and kale, grated carrots (from the root cellar), sliced scallions, chopped a bit of yellow pepper, added pea and radish sprouts and sunflower seeds. I made a dressing with a bit of mayo, lemon juice and a pinch of dill, salt and pepper. Mixed it all together and voila, a healthy, crunchy salad in the midst of a wicked cold snap. :-) What have you been cooking/baking/making?

I’ve got a new quilt to share with you soon. It’s sentimental. And another one is on the design wall, a collaboration between me, Linds and Gretta.

We just passed through Imbolc, the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox…can you feel the light returning to our late afternoons and early mornings?

Lots of plans for February, with devotion leading me in wonderful directions.

How about you, dearest readers? Do you have a project or intention secretly percolating in your heart? Are you ready to share it?

Birch bark and hope and light

We read in a recent edition of Seven Days about an artist who prints photos on birchbark. Wait. What?

Last Saturday we were up in Montpelier for the winter farmer’s market, a trip through the co-op, the farm and garden store and lunch at Sarducci’s. We ducked into the small gallery where the exhibit was up and were blown away by Moore’s ethereal images!

Many of the images were taken in the streets and alleys in downtown Montpelier.

Moore has a lovely website, filled with many fascinating photos. His background is really interesting, too, including an MDiv from Yale.

Which brings me to the Department of Hope, a new feature that I’m adding to some of my blog posts. On my “about” page on this website I’ve written “I’m working slowly and deliberately to create this virtual space where I’ll share inspiration and a sense of calm and sanctuary with you.”So, with intention, I’m sharing a link today…William Barber to direct new Center for Public Theology and Public Policy at Yale Divinity School. Because we need to talk about morality these days. Because there are people devoting themselves to hope and collaboration and action. Because we are light seekers. Because it matters that we recognize the power of kindred spirits.

With deep hope and devotion to all that is out there to celebrate, I remain your friend. xo

in the flow

We’ve enjoyed trading jigsaw puzzles with our neighbors down to road. We swap them back and forth and back again to their original owners. Recently, L&N have loaned us several Charlie Harper puzzles and we’ve had such fun putting together his clever, graphic images.

N recently celebrated a birthday and in a scramble to make her something, I rummaged through my fabric stash. I knew I had some bits of Charlie Harper fabric left over from another project. Fortified with a mug of tea, I found the fabric at the bottom of a pile in the cupboard. I found a fat quarter of a sympathetic plaid and a bit of neutral linen and set to work. A few hours later, I pushed the chair away from my sewing machine and realized I had been swept up into that lovely zone of creative flow. I LOVE to spend time there! The world falls away and my mind drops into the meditative hum of my beloved Bernina. (Read about her in this very old post)

When I took the pillow out into the yard to snap some pictures to share here, it was still snowing. A few snowflakes landed on the fabric and I snapped a quick shot and thought again of Snowflake Bentley, a beloved Vermonter of yesteryear. You can read some recent and exciting news about his work here.

How do you flow, dearest readers? Where do you find that time and space to surrender to your passion? Drop a note in the comments, below. I’m curious to know the many ways we can get lost in time.


navigating 2023

taken on december 29, 2022 at 7:17 AM

Greetings, dearest readers! Welcome to another year at sewandsowlife! I am so very grateful for your presence here. I look forward to navigating the year ahead with you, and look forward to your comments. Please don’t be shy. Give me some push back if you don’t agree with something I write. Or say, “heck yes, I agree” if something strikes a chord. If something doesn’t make sense, ask me to clarify! And if you have resources to add, let me know! The comment section is a place where we can build community and make connections…even if it’s only in the ether. xo

We had a lovely brunch with neighbors on New Year’s Day, snuggled into their cozy straw bale house. The menu was pot luck and included so many local treats. We spent the rest of the afternoon with seating pulled up close around their wood stove…knitting, chatting and laughing with two dogs curled up underfoot. It was a fine way to ease into a whole new year, sprawling out before us.

With quite a bit of calamity swirling around us, I’ve come to realize that to stay sane, I need to push back against the gloom and doom. So I’ve dedicated a bit of my time in January to having fun. I’ve gone through all the folders in my pantry…sorting the recipes cut from magazines, printed off the internet and scribbled by hand. I threw a bunch away. It felt good. Now all of our faves are tucked into binders, with tabs for different categories. A fresh start in the kitchen. Which leads me to playing with my food. This recipe (above) is called “Green Galaxy Smoothie Bowl with Buckwheat Crispies” and can be found in My New Roots, Inspired Plant-Based Recipes For Every Season, by Sarah Britton. Since I have the same mug that’s photographed in the cookbook, I couldn't resist trying to duplicate the scene. :-)

In an effort to tidy up my eating, I pulled out another of my favorite cookbooks, At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen, by Amy Chaplin. This is a book where I reread much of the opening chapters, because they inspire me anew. I spent the better part of a morning prepping lots of different foods to create an easy grab and cook situation. I also spent some time at our food co-op, prowling the bulk and produce sections, looking for foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Batman is building us a new spice shelf to hang on the wall in our “room of requirement” and so that is prompting a review of all the jars that are headed that way. There are three fruits and tons of blossoms on our Meyer Lemon tree and lots of micro greens sprouting on the windowsill and in jars in the cupboard. I’m hoping to keep the kitchen in “playground condition” until further notice. What a lovely place to spend time, fortifying our immunity and connecting with the magic that Mother Nature and her farmer partners offer us.

this was taken at 6:49 AM on sunday morning

Did you see the full Wolf Moon at your house? What a beauty.

I’ve been working my way through a stack of gorgeous old magazines. I’ve been cutting out photos and using them to make fun notecards for snail mail. Combining the images with wash tape has created some whimsical, homemade cards that will make their way across the miles to some of my favorite correspondents.

If you are looking for a fun read, I recommend Year of Yes, by Shonda Rhimes. You don’t need to be a fan of her TV series to love this book. Her story will leave you feeling freshened and ready for a new lease on life…an inspirational way to head into 2023.

On a bit more serious note, I have been swept up into Anderson Cooper’s podcast, All There Is. Anderson takes his listeners on a deeply personal exploration of grief and loss, via interviews with friends and experts. Sometimes it’s not an easy listen, but it is rich with insights, truths and comfort.

And for some of the best viewing ever, head to PBS for season three of All Creatures Great and Small. The green fields and the gentle storytelling tug at my heart with each episode.

Earlier this morning we had a spell of what I call “sun flurries”, when the snow is swirling and sparkling at the same time that the sun is out. It happens now and then when two weather fronts collide over our ridge. It’s magical and beautiful and reminds me of why I love the winter so much.

So, in 2023 I’ll be trying to keep us all afloat with play and creativity and curiosity and hope and light and love. I will be navigating with my head and my heart. I hope you’ll join me here whenever you feel like.

Let me know what you are up to in these fresh days of 2023. Have you picked a '“word of the year”? Do you have plans or dreams or intentions that you are comfortable sharing here? Is there something you would like me to post about here on the blog? I’m so curious about all of it!


December stitching

Marshfield, MA

Near Green Harbor

Dearest readers, I hope your holiday weekend was filled with warmth and light and comfort and joy. We had some time along the south shore of Boston with some of my favorite people. We cooked, we ate, we reminisced, we laughed and some of us walked on the chilly beach. It was just what me and my fragile heart needed. And so, onward into this week of balancing between taking account of 2022 and laying plans for 2023…



quality control specialist (artwork by bread and puppet)

detail of leftover strips

I started this quilt ages ago, it was meant to be a queen sized quilt made completely of half square triangles. It ended up being a lap sized quilt, with a bit more of a modern look, thanks to the solid color blocking. I donated it to a women’s shelter via my quilt guild. I almost hated to part with it, because it sat so nicely on our three season porch, but I am glad that it will bring some comfort to someone who really needs it. (And I am glad it has moved off my queue of unfinished projects.)

I found this cute novelty fabric while shopping with Gretta and Lindsey in Ann Arbor, MI this past summer.

My brother and his wife are enthusiastic kayakers and I just couldn’t resist making them some napkins. I used Suzy Q’s tutorial and was very excited to get such nice mitered corners. They did not all look this perfect, but overall I have upped my game. :-)

I made a “sleep sweet” banner for Theo’s nursery…

…and one for Freya, too. Oddly, I can’t find a photo of the one I made for Flora, and in hindsight, I think I need to make one for Maggie, too.

The “sleep sweet” banners started in 2016 and you can read the story here. (These latest two banners arrived with a heavy dose of sentiment that we were not anticipating. But they will hang as a testament to love, for sure.)

So, dearest readers, I’m going to sign off for a bit now, and look forward to checking back in with you in the new year. In the meantime, I hope we all find some quiet time to look back on the past year and to catch our breath. Some of us will find it hard to resist a fresh sheet of paper, some markers and some time to consider what comes next. May you find it a playground of possibilities, dearest ones…filled with curiosity, courage and hope!

Much love, me. xoxoxoxoxox