In February, Batman pruned the apple trees. He brought an armful of the branches into the house and put them in a vase by the front windows.
Good morning, dearest ones. It’s been awhile. You know how it seems that life’s challenges “cluster up” sometimes? Well, the last six weeks have just been a jumble of things knocking on my door one after another. And there really has not been a way to triage. So I’ve been in the thick of it. For days. For weeks.
In a few days, they bloomed and filled the living room with light and hope and cheer.
And this is where devotion has helped me out. I’ve started most days with meditation. Sometimes it’s a very short session, but it helps. And I’ve looked for beauty. In waiting rooms, along the highway, across the valley, walking on the beach, in a barn. I’ve found solace in very simple activities…sorting laundry, washing dishes, shoveling snow, checking pantry supplies.
Snuggling with Sidney Poitier, when he was not yet 24 hours old. I met him the night before, minutes after he slithered out of his mama, Beatrix.
I’ve leaned on friends. I’ve leaned on family. I’ve kept an eye out for signs of spring amidst huge and beautiful snowstorms.
Sunset last night, as the latest storm lifted.
This morning, when I was lonely for the sensation of a thread pulled through the eye of a needle, but did not have the energy to dig into a project, I mended a small hole in a down comforter. I felt myself settle, to breathe, to calm.
Sometimes when we need help the most, we can find it in the simplest places.
Which brings me to my Department of Hope. Here in Vermont, the first week in March brings old fashioned Town Meetings to many towns and villages. Friends and neighbors gather to discuss how best to meet the needs of their town. There’s lively, respectful discussion. Motions and budgets are passed or voted down. Folks are nominated for positions from the floor. (Watch out for being “voluntold”!) Often, there's a pot luck lunch held after the meeting adjourns. In person Town Meetings were sorely missed during COVID times.
Our public radio station covered a story that had Batman and I grinning from ear to ear. Democracy in action in a big way! You can listen to the story here, “Elementary School Kids Hold Their Own Mock Town Meeting in Woodbury.” This story may restore your faith in the democratic process.
As I navigate the challenging days still ahead, I take comfort in knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel, Persephone will return, things will find an equilibrium again.
And I remain devoted to you, my dearest readers, because we are all on this journey of life together. Near or far, I keep thoughts of you close to my heart. xo