
the garden bench, a few days ago, before we got MORE snow…

the garden bench, a few days ago, before we got MORE snow…

Oh friends, have you listened to Trista Tippett’s latest episode of On Being? She interviewed Katherine May, author of “Wintering, The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times”. You can listen to Krista’s conversation with Katherine here. NPR also had a story on May in November, you can read it here. Both pieces are filled with wisdom and comfort for these challenging days.

I am reminded of The Nap Ministry, founded by Tricia Hersey. May and Hersey are two very different women, yet both are wise to the value of rest and comfort. Both lean in against the status quo of moving forward at all costs.

And just to pull one more clear eyed woman into the conversation, one of my all time favorite quotes, from Anne Lamott:

“Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all. Laugh, rest, slow down.”

a late afternoon nearly full moon hangs over our neighbor’s field

a late afternoon nearly full moon hangs over our neighbor’s field

As we winter here in Vermont, we take pleasure in growing things. Houseplants. A windowsill Meyer lemon tree, covered with scented blooms. Seeds in a jar, sprouting on the kitchen counter. Micro greens, growing in a tiny greenhouse, perched on the bookcases under the front windows. Tete-a-tete daffodils and more narcissus, forced bulbs, scattered around the house, bringing the hope of spring closer.

And we are cooking beans! How about you?

From Cool Beans, our new cookbook obsession…The Homesteader’s New England Baked Beans were a hit and we discovered the rich flavor of Spanish smoked pimenton. Next time we will reduce the maple syrup and molasses by half. The Creamy Pasta Fagioli was a flop. We may have used old beans that did not even respond well to overnight soaking. The Dal Makhani was wonderful, despite having to sub green lentils for the called for whole black urad lentils. This weekend we will try Peruvian Beans and Rice (tacu tacu). This recipe calls for canary beans. We ordered some and they are indeed, yellow!

We have found unusual and heirloom beans from three different online vendors…Rancho Gordo,, and as a last resort, Amazon. Various co-ops in our area also have dried beans in their bulk sections. (I do not have any affiliation with these companies. just sharing a bit of experience here.)

Last but not least, friends, I cannot sign off without mentioning two of Vermont’s political treasures…Bernie Sanders and his meme adventures around the internet. Such fun and levity amidst these winter days! And veteran Senator Patrick Leahy, who will oversee the impeachment trial of “he who shall not be named”. We send Sen. Leahy best wishes as he pulls his strength and wisdom together to fight the likes of Voldemort.

My very first blogpost was written on January 19, 2009. I can’t believe I’m still at it, 12 years later. Glad to have some of you along for the ride. :-)

Sending you best wishes as January slides into February. Stay warm if you are in the northern hemisphere, and stay well, wherever you are!
