special edition

Good morning friends. I don’t often show my face here, but I felt called to come to this spot today, to be fully present, to check in.

Sometimes I wonder who I actually write for here at sewandsowlife…you or me! Since today feels so very unsettled, I think I am writing for all of us.

After breakfast, I decided to take a wander around our place here. I spent a bit of time just noticing. Paying attention. Appreciating. Wander with me?

When I feel this unsettled, I remind myself to do what I can in my own life, to make positive change in my own sphere of influence. And so, I rededicate myself to my volunteer work.

But the older I get, I also have respect for self-care. So, I’m not waiting til July to share my list of things I hope to do in the coming weeks and months. I’m not sure it’s a bucket list, maybe it’s more of a listing of what I want to be devoted to. Trying new things, making progress on current projects, and appreciating spaciousness in my days. So here goes…

  • work on the book for my Mumsie

  • visit the Middlebury College Museum of Art to see this exhibit and this is a wonderful short film you may want to watch.

  • pop in to Sparrow Art Supply while in Middlebury.

  • I was gifted a bit of raw flax, grown by a neighbor. I’m curious about making a wee basket with it. Inspiration found here.

  • I’ve got a packet of “Chinese knotting cord” and would like to try making a friendship bracelet, using this tutorial.

  • maybe try making a fabric scrap paper mâché bowl. I’m not a fan of balloons and modge podge, because they are not great for the planet…

  • we made a very special visit to an automata museum in Scotland. I’d like to try making a gizmo or two and then share the story with you.

  • we’ve got a lot of sage in the garden, and I have three ways I want to play with it.

  • keep on hand quilting Nelson’s quilt.

  • create an outdoor loom, where found objects can be woven into a summer tapestry.

  • make something fun for Freya’s second birthday.

  • reading on the three season porch

  • riding my new e-bike!

In the kitchen

  • try a recipe for garlic scape soup

  • stew up some rhubarb

  • try making some mocktails

  • roast some strawberries (!)

At my desk

  • write more snail mail (maybe one a day?)

  • organize some files (not fun, but I’ll feel better when it’s done)

gorgeous new USPS Shaker stamps and a sweet card from Lori at Little Truths Studio.

With family

  • revel in multiple visits with grandkids

  • play games

  • splash in the wading pool

  • go adventuring

  • etc etc etc

I invite each of you, dearest ones, to spend some time thinking about ways you and your very own special talents are changing your little part of the world. And then think about how you might find shelter and sanctuary from that very same world.

It’s a balancing act. I know that, for sure.

But none of us is alone. And each of us has a shining light.

Shine, friends.

Share your light with the world. And hold that light up to find your own way, too.
