
I decided to let June be all about revelling. When the fields are filled with yellow buttercups, there does not seem to be any other option. In the past, I’ve written about buttercups here, and here.

The days have been spectacular. Sunny, temperate, breezy. The lightning bugs have returned at dusk, blinking their magic as the evening falls. (I’m remembering you especially, Liz. xo)

The hoop house is exploding with greens. The tomatoes and peppers are gearing up for their celebrations later this summer. Pinch me. Is this real?

The peony crescent is nearing full bloom, and when I walk by this bouquet on the porch, their scent just makes me swoon. The California poppies are going gangbusters and they make me dizzy with their color and dancing in the breeze.

This morning I did my usual Saturday loop in Montpelier. How much do you love the pride flag and the flower basket hanging from the same pole? The farmers market was bursting at the seams with bounty. I popped into Bohemian Bakery for a decaf mocha and a cherry danish. Then on to Hunger Mountain Co-op, where I filled in the gaps. When I got home, I washed and chopped and prepped for the week ahead. It is going to get HOT and I want to be ready!

And I continue to stitch on the porch, listening to North Woods as the day unwinds in the late afternoon.

Let me share with you some beautiful things I have stumbled upon in the last few weeks…

Sometimes it just feels right to write about beauty and not get caught up in all the sticky things in the world. Sending you big gulps of hope and love and light, dearest readers. Get out there and revel!
