practicing hope

THANK YOU, FRIENDS, FOR ALL OF YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS on my last post. What fun it was to read your thoughts and ideas. I see you. I value you. I celebrate you. xo

When things felt especially heavy these last few months, I would self-soothe by thinking, “A lot can happen between now and November”. Goodness gracious, so much has happened in the last few weeks! This morning I woke up, pulled a sweatshirt on over my nightgown, brewed a mug of tea and set out into the morning fog.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled with long sighs. I sipped the Darjeeling and felt its comfort slide down my throat. I noticed, appreciated, delighted in the little bits of beauty all around me.

I felt myself easing into the day, rather than bracing myself for it.

I’m so grateful for a world renewed by possibility.

Before an appointment I had down in Bethel this morning, I dropped Batman at one of his favorite fishing spots. I joined him on the riverside after my appointment. You know I love to see what beauty pebbles and water can accomplish together…Summertime, not my fave, but I find ways to navigate it. :-)

Last week, Gretta and a friend joined me at the Middlebury College Museum of Art to see the Bread and Puppet exhibit.It was a delight to wander through. We also stopped by Sparrow Art Supply, owned and operated by one of Gretta’s high school buddies. I may have gotten into a bit of “trouble” there…

Gretta came up yesterday and we spent time in my studio, working side bye side on projects, and chatting about this and that. I’m so lucky to have these bits of time with my grown kids. One of the projects I worked on was mending what we call the “squishy chair” purchased years ago when we lived in Chicagoland. It has been loved and used to the point of ugliness. But yesterday I rejuvinated it with a scrap of fabric from my stash, circa the late 1990’s? The chair is still faded and tired looking, but it now it has a freshness about it. It sits in the corner of my studio, hosting a bit of hand sewing or a friend who wants to visit and chat.

My springtime flowers were lovely blues and lavenders and whites…the summertime blooms are wild and firey and hot.

This fuschia in my hanging basket, reminded me of the wild fuchsia bushes we saw in Scotland last September. (below)

To see more beauty from the British Isles, check out photos from Hannah Nunn’s wedding here. Golly, what a gorgeous occasion!

The garden and hoop house are filled with possibility, with crops coming on strong. The garlic needs to be dug once the ground dries out a bit, the blueberries are under netting, as they ripen and tease the birds. We’re tweaking the playhouse, in preparation for Flora and Matilda’s arrival in August. We can feel the days tumbling one into the next. As we age, Batman and I remind ourselves to savor these days. And we try to remember that being happy, creative and loving is productive. In fact, it’s part of the resistance! So glad to have you here, friends, alongside, gathered from many parts of the world. Both hoping for and working towards a better world. I send you gratitude. xo