gratitude and remembering

I’ve appreciated (and responded to) each of your lovely comments about my fabric book. I’m planning to make another one next year and hope some more of you will be tempted to join me. Next time around, it might be fun to create a way to share some of your images (with your permission, of course.) Let’s think about that…

This morning, I want to share a sweet story with you, dearest readers. A story of connections and love and devotion.

My friend Cathleen from our days in Connecticut (or the queen of everything, as she likes to say), lost her beloved son a while back. He was a young man and so the loss was especially tragic and heart wrenching.

Cathleen shared this with me, when I asked if I could write about our collaboration here, on sewandsowlife…

“Christopher Owen was a lovely man, a wonderful son, and a great uncle. The two words I’d use to describe him are kind and brave.”

When thinking of a way to honor his memory, she asked if we might be willing to plant some balsams down by the playhouse. Christopher loved Christmas, Cathleen wrote, and he loved to play with his niece and nephews.

So, of course, we did. Peter had some seedlings he had started in his balsam nursery, and we took three down the hill to plant on an early spring morning. As these trees grow taller and wider, they will provide shade and shelter for any children who come to make potions or look out for pirates. Christopher’s ethereal presence will grow deeper roots here at out bit of earth.

I could not resist hanging a birch bark heart on one of them. xo

Christopher Owen, we are honored to have a tiny part of you here with us.

And as spring brings renewal to Vermont, we will forget-you-not, dearest Christopher.
