devotion to little things:: stamps and some thoughts on 2024

I stitched this pillow for our oldest grandchild for Christmas this year. You may recall that Maggie is a snail mail devotee. You can read about other snail mail related gifts I’ve sewn for her here

It was such fun to pull scraps from my fabric stash…can you find Lowly Worm, a wheelbarrowing gnome, and envelope fabric from the original snail pouch made in September 2020?

And now for some thoughts on 2024. I have a hunch that this upcoming year may ask a lot of us. I’m guessing if we are a thoughtful, reasonable people it may be a rough ride. I’m going to try to show up here at sewandsowlife with all the faith and hope and light and calm that I can muster to help us cope with whatever comes our way.

One of the things I am going to do this week is head down to my local post office and buy some postcard stamps. Those small, sticky things will have some heavy lifting to do…they are going to carry my voice to congress folks, senators, local reps and the millionaires and billionaires who are messing with democracy. I invite you to join me. Dearest readers, let’s cause a ruckus in 2024!