Black Hopi Dye Sunflowers

Black Hopi Dye Sunflowers growing at our bit of earth in Central VT. September 2021.

Harvesting the flower heads, late October 2021.

Flower heads drying on the three season porch, November 2021.

Top: Vintage raw silk, dyed with indigo.

Middle: Cotton dyed with Hopi Black Dye Sunflowers.

Bottom: Cotton dyed with dried marigolds.

September 2022.

The rainbow of hand dyed fabrics grows…with colors from the plants here on the hill. Except…the marigolds grown in New Mexico by my cousin and friend Kristen. She and her partner grew and dried the blossoms and sent a bag full for me to play with. The flowers produced a darker, deeper gold than the marigolds I used from our place here in Vermont last year. These gorgeous variations are all part of the magic of different locations, soil conditions, water quality and other variables. We do what can as dyers and then we have to step aside and let Mother Nature stir the pot.

I’m scheming different ways to use these fabrics…let me know if you have ideas or suggestions in the comments below!
