Batman has transformed an old shed into a playhouse. This same pirate flag hung from our kids’ playhouse in Chicagoland long ago. The blue chairs came from my grandmother’s kitchen.
Batman repurposed lots of bits and pieces. This railing came from a toddler bed he built for Stewart when we lived in Old San Juan. We found the kitchen gear at the thrift store. The apples were gathered by little ones.
I stitched a bunting from an old birdseed bag and a cat litter bag.
Batman trimmed a few branches from a maple and hung a homemade swing.
In the past two weeks we have had 12 adults and 8 children gathered here in an assortment of different combinations. One afternoon we put the tables end-to-end for the first time since the “before times” and gathered a crowd. It felt very Karin and Carl Larsson around here. The day was breezy, the sky was blue and the vibe was intergenerational.
Not everything was perfect which was just perfect.
As time passes and the world changes, I know in my heart that all we have is this present moment. It is our escape and sanctuary and home. xo