View from the kitchen sink last Sunday morning.
On the three season porch.
On my way down the hill, headed to my Mumsie’s on Wednesday. (She’s got good news from her doc!)
An iconic image, that I just love.
A garland on the bridge over the Onion River in Montpelier.
Spotted at Rebel Heart Collective in Montpelier. SWOON!
Danish style sandwiches at our book group supper. Did you read Meet Me at the Museum yet? I gave it 5 stars.
Progress on the solstice quilt.
“Pumpkin patch” yarn from Junction Fiber Mill down in White River Junction. (I had a tour with my friend Sue a few weeks back)
Please be sure to share your sparkle with the world, dearest ones! May you find renewal, hope and light as we slide along with the sun into longer days. xo