in the flow

We’ve enjoyed trading jigsaw puzzles with our neighbors down to road. We swap them back and forth and back again to their original owners. Recently, L&N have loaned us several Charlie Harper puzzles and we’ve had such fun putting together his clever, graphic images.

N recently celebrated a birthday and in a scramble to make her something, I rummaged through my fabric stash. I knew I had some bits of Charlie Harper fabric left over from another project. Fortified with a mug of tea, I found the fabric at the bottom of a pile in the cupboard. I found a fat quarter of a sympathetic plaid and a bit of neutral linen and set to work. A few hours later, I pushed the chair away from my sewing machine and realized I had been swept up into that lovely zone of creative flow. I LOVE to spend time there! The world falls away and my mind drops into the meditative hum of my beloved Bernina. (Read about her in this very old post)

When I took the pillow out into the yard to snap some pictures to share here, it was still snowing. A few snowflakes landed on the fabric and I snapped a quick shot and thought again of Snowflake Bentley, a beloved Vermonter of yesteryear. You can read some recent and exciting news about his work here.

How do you flow, dearest readers? Where do you find that time and space to surrender to your passion? Drop a note in the comments, below. I’m curious to know the many ways we can get lost in time.


navigating 2023

taken on december 29, 2022 at 7:17 AM

Greetings, dearest readers! Welcome to another year at sewandsowlife! I am so very grateful for your presence here. I look forward to navigating the year ahead with you, and look forward to your comments. Please don’t be shy. Give me some push back if you don’t agree with something I write. Or say, “heck yes, I agree” if something strikes a chord. If something doesn’t make sense, ask me to clarify! And if you have resources to add, let me know! The comment section is a place where we can build community and make connections…even if it’s only in the ether. xo

We had a lovely brunch with neighbors on New Year’s Day, snuggled into their cozy straw bale house. The menu was pot luck and included so many local treats. We spent the rest of the afternoon with seating pulled up close around their wood stove…knitting, chatting and laughing with two dogs curled up underfoot. It was a fine way to ease into a whole new year, sprawling out before us.

With quite a bit of calamity swirling around us, I’ve come to realize that to stay sane, I need to push back against the gloom and doom. So I’ve dedicated a bit of my time in January to having fun. I’ve gone through all the folders in my pantry…sorting the recipes cut from magazines, printed off the internet and scribbled by hand. I threw a bunch away. It felt good. Now all of our faves are tucked into binders, with tabs for different categories. A fresh start in the kitchen. Which leads me to playing with my food. This recipe (above) is called “Green Galaxy Smoothie Bowl with Buckwheat Crispies” and can be found in My New Roots, Inspired Plant-Based Recipes For Every Season, by Sarah Britton. Since I have the same mug that’s photographed in the cookbook, I couldn't resist trying to duplicate the scene. :-)

In an effort to tidy up my eating, I pulled out another of my favorite cookbooks, At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen, by Amy Chaplin. This is a book where I reread much of the opening chapters, because they inspire me anew. I spent the better part of a morning prepping lots of different foods to create an easy grab and cook situation. I also spent some time at our food co-op, prowling the bulk and produce sections, looking for foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Batman is building us a new spice shelf to hang on the wall in our “room of requirement” and so that is prompting a review of all the jars that are headed that way. There are three fruits and tons of blossoms on our Meyer Lemon tree and lots of micro greens sprouting on the windowsill and in jars in the cupboard. I’m hoping to keep the kitchen in “playground condition” until further notice. What a lovely place to spend time, fortifying our immunity and connecting with the magic that Mother Nature and her farmer partners offer us.

this was taken at 6:49 AM on sunday morning

Did you see the full Wolf Moon at your house? What a beauty.

I’ve been working my way through a stack of gorgeous old magazines. I’ve been cutting out photos and using them to make fun notecards for snail mail. Combining the images with wash tape has created some whimsical, homemade cards that will make their way across the miles to some of my favorite correspondents.

If you are looking for a fun read, I recommend Year of Yes, by Shonda Rhimes. You don’t need to be a fan of her TV series to love this book. Her story will leave you feeling freshened and ready for a new lease on life…an inspirational way to head into 2023.

On a bit more serious note, I have been swept up into Anderson Cooper’s podcast, All There Is. Anderson takes his listeners on a deeply personal exploration of grief and loss, via interviews with friends and experts. Sometimes it’s not an easy listen, but it is rich with insights, truths and comfort.

And for some of the best viewing ever, head to PBS for season three of All Creatures Great and Small. The green fields and the gentle storytelling tug at my heart with each episode.

Earlier this morning we had a spell of what I call “sun flurries”, when the snow is swirling and sparkling at the same time that the sun is out. It happens now and then when two weather fronts collide over our ridge. It’s magical and beautiful and reminds me of why I love the winter so much.

So, in 2023 I’ll be trying to keep us all afloat with play and creativity and curiosity and hope and light and love. I will be navigating with my head and my heart. I hope you’ll join me here whenever you feel like.

Let me know what you are up to in these fresh days of 2023. Have you picked a '“word of the year”? Do you have plans or dreams or intentions that you are comfortable sharing here? Is there something you would like me to post about here on the blog? I’m so curious about all of it!


December stitching

Marshfield, MA

Near Green Harbor

Dearest readers, I hope your holiday weekend was filled with warmth and light and comfort and joy. We had some time along the south shore of Boston with some of my favorite people. We cooked, we ate, we reminisced, we laughed and some of us walked on the chilly beach. It was just what me and my fragile heart needed. And so, onward into this week of balancing between taking account of 2022 and laying plans for 2023…



quality control specialist (artwork by bread and puppet)

detail of leftover strips

I started this quilt ages ago, it was meant to be a queen sized quilt made completely of half square triangles. It ended up being a lap sized quilt, with a bit more of a modern look, thanks to the solid color blocking. I donated it to a women’s shelter via my quilt guild. I almost hated to part with it, because it sat so nicely on our three season porch, but I am glad that it will bring some comfort to someone who really needs it. (And I am glad it has moved off my queue of unfinished projects.)

I found this cute novelty fabric while shopping with Gretta and Lindsey in Ann Arbor, MI this past summer.

My brother and his wife are enthusiastic kayakers and I just couldn’t resist making them some napkins. I used Suzy Q’s tutorial and was very excited to get such nice mitered corners. They did not all look this perfect, but overall I have upped my game. :-)

I made a “sleep sweet” banner for Theo’s nursery…

…and one for Freya, too. Oddly, I can’t find a photo of the one I made for Flora, and in hindsight, I think I need to make one for Maggie, too.

The “sleep sweet” banners started in 2016 and you can read the story here. (These latest two banners arrived with a heavy dose of sentiment that we were not anticipating. But they will hang as a testament to love, for sure.)

So, dearest readers, I’m going to sign off for a bit now, and look forward to checking back in with you in the new year. In the meantime, I hope we all find some quiet time to look back on the past year and to catch our breath. Some of us will find it hard to resist a fresh sheet of paper, some markers and some time to consider what comes next. May you find it a playground of possibilities, dearest ones…filled with curiosity, courage and hope!

Much love, me. xoxoxoxoxox

Happy Christmas Eve

Our governor declared a state of emergency yesterday morning. It got wild up here, but we dodged the brunt of the storm and we are very grateful. Sending compassion and hope out to those who were not so lucky.

Right on cue.

I want to thank you those of you who left condolences on yesterday’s post. I wondered a bit about posting sad news so close to Christmas, but decided to follow my heart. Life’s big events don’t pay much attention to calendars, and it’s something we have to embrace…the joy and the sadness that wind their way around our hearts.

Last night I heard Franny’s voice. This is what she said. “Hey, how’s that sitting around, feeling crappy working for you? Get up, brush yourself off, take a deep breath and tell me what’s next for you. We had a deal, you and me. Never stop loving. So, get out there and do some more loving.”

On it, Franny. On it. xo

One of the things Franny and I used to love to do together was read aloud to any kid within earshot. Today I pulled this bowl of citrus out of the fridge and thought of Mr Edwards who brought Laura and Mary oranges in the dead of winter on the Plains in Little House on the Prairie. Our kids found golden wrapped chocolate coins in their stockings on Christmas mornings, and I still buy a bag each year. There are so many festive traditions that just don’t get old. I’ll bet you’ve got a bunch, too. :-)

And I’ll share another fave of mine. "Favor Johnson" is the story of a hound named Hercules, a flatlander doctor, homemade fruitcake and the real spirit of Christmas. It's a VPR family tradition every Christmas Eve. It’s about ten minutes long and you can find it here.

I send you, dearest readers, more light and love and hope and peace tonight and all the nights ahead. xo

a gentle reminder

In memory of one of my dearest friends,


who died yesterday on Mt Desert Island, ME.

One of the greatest blessings of my life was living in the orbit of this force of nature. I am hanging onto the memories of our time together. There are volumes of stories I have stashed in my heart. Franny has wound herself into the lore of our extended family. And the depth of the grief I am feeling is a direct reflection of the love I had for Franny. Am I sad? Profoundly. But the flip side of sadness is the joy that Franny’s life brought to so, so many people. I will carry her legacy of a life well lived with me forever.

Your Light keeps on shining, dearest friend, even though you are not here anymore.

sleep sweet, Franny-Fran. xoxoxoxo

So here is a reminder, dearest readers…while we are together in this time and place, don’t take love for granted.

… Shower the people you love with love

Show them the way you feel

-James Taylor

thank you, Mother Nature

Batman was so excited to put the snow plow attachment on his tractor.

The dye plant end of the garden is done for the season. Good luck finding a spot to sit on the garden bench. :-)

Some of the birches, out at the end of our driveway.

This is the soft, gentle beauty I’ve been waiting for. And now it is snowing again. I know not everyone is a fan of snow, or winter, for that matter. But I am. Right down to my bones.

And how perfect that this snowfall arrived just before the solstice, preparing us to pause and be fully present in the depths of darkness. We’re perched, on the edge of the of the shortest day of the year and the longest night. Time for bundling up and venturing out into the crispiest of air, the muffled sounds, the magical beauty all around. And once the shoveling, or snowshoeing or just walking on the road is done, there’s the pleasure of chilly fingers wrapped around a hot mug of cocoa.

Sometimes this kind of snow comes with challenges, and some folks in Vermont are sadly still without power. We lose our landline, cellphone service and wi-fi internet when the power goes down, but we remain grateful that we decided (and were able) to have a generator installed here on the hill.

A neighbor brought me a bundle of fresh cut holly from her yard down in town. I paired it with balsams from our yard for a festive greeting by the front door.

I took this photo late yesterday afternoon, when the storm was lifting.

Since I’ve been sharing good news with you lately, here’s a story that bears witness to what brave hearts can accomplish. Pioneering Vermonters (some of our favorites) were invited to the White House to celebrate the signing of the Respect For Marriage Act.

If you’re looking for a delicious, midwinter supper this Slow Cooker Moroccan Chicken with Apricots, Olives and Almonds will do the trick!

I’ll be back for the solstice, until then, dearest readers, keep looking for the Light!

hand pies and hope

On Friday evening, our book group gathered here at our bit of earth. As hostess, I was responsible for the main course (because we have a pot luck supper after our discussion.) I decided to make very festive savory hand pies. The cookbook from Sister Pie has a fabulous recipe for delicata squash, caramelized onion, fresh sage and goat cheese hand pies. The recipe is not for the faint of heart, as things need to be made in several stages, over several days, but, dang, they are so GOOD.

Batman was kind enough to make the dough for the crust and he tucked it into the fridge while I was out and about in the world on Thursday morning. He texted me the picture, above, of his “helper” Corazón.

On Friday morning, Batman rolled out the dough and cut the 4” rounds…all 48 of them! (We doubled the recipe.) I put the filling together, using sage, delicata and onions from our bit of earth. I used goat cheese from Vermont Creamery. All of the parts and pieces were set out on the three season porch to chill for a few hours.

After some last minute consultation with our daughter Lindsey (she worked at Sister Pie for a bit, thus our undying love for the place) we made an assembly line to put them together and bake them. It was so fun to pull them out of the oven and marvel at their beauty! Golden crust and steaming veggies inside. Perfection.

There were enough to send some home with folks after book group. :-)

In keeping with December’s theme of light and hope and love…here are some links to stories that may warm your hearts, dearest readers.

Don’t even get me started about this country’s “penal system”. This story, via CNN, A portrait of America's prison arts programs, reports on how photographer Peter Mert has documented California’s Arts in Corrections program. A light in the darkness if ever there was one.

In another bit of serendipity, I found some information about Freedom Reads via Anna Brones 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being. Their mission statement…

Our Mission

Freedom Reads is a first-of-its-kind organization that empowers people through literature to confront what prison does to the spirit. With the Freedom Library and with our literary programs, Freedom Reads supports the efforts of people in prison to imagine new possibilities for their lives. Freedom begins with a book.

As public libraries and access to books becomes more and more important to democracy, Freedom Reads is on my list of causes to support as we review our annual giving.

There have been two recent land acquisitions in Vermont that have my heart singing as well. My beloved Bread and Puppet Theater has just expanded their resources, ensuring a bright future. You can read about it here. I had blogged about Bread and Puppet several times on my old blog, you can see some pictures here.

We are cheering some good news that affects us right here in our neighborhood. Nearly 7,400 acres of working forest have been conserved by a group of public and private partners. You can read about it here. This news brings attention to all the important ways that keeping big tracts of land intact can impact headwaters, biodiversity and recreational space, along with sustainable timber management.

SO FRIENDS…make yummy food in this magical month of light. And keep your eyes open for GOOD NEWS. I am convinced that there is so much good news out in the world that needs to be lifted up. We are parched for it. Each time we learn about how compassion, cooperation and love can overcome the gloom and doom in the world, I say let’s celebrate it!

Sending you virtual hugs, dearest readers. xo

advent for anyone

at the top of the stairs.

Batman added battery operated lights to our annual peace wreath. He makes one each year and it’s my favorite bit of holiday decorating. You can see our twig pile in the background, where we toss downed branches from windy nights. We’ll set it ablaze on the solstice.

This afternoon I pulled out the box of December goodies, made special by sentiment.

My Mumsie stitched this for me when I was a young mom, inspired by an illustration by Trina Schart Hyman, one of my favorite artists. Trina won a Caldecott Medal and lived about an hour south of us, just over the border in New Hampshire. Her attention to detail in nature, while creating magical pictures for kids books still enchants me. My Mumsie’s work has a few moth holes in it, but that makes it all the more dear to me. On the left, you can see her tiny stitches…including French knots for the holly berries,

Dearest readers…first off, I would like to thank you for your kind comments on my last post. I love to read your thoughts and I appreciate the links you share here. Virtual hugs all around. :-)

Advent season is full of tradition and religious significance for many. I am delighted to use advent with a lower case “a”, meaning a “coming into being or use”. And I love to use this season to welcome LIGHT, LOVE and HOPE into the darkest days of the year. For me, anticipating the solstice brings the magic into these December days. So, I have been poking around for kindred spirits. Erin Boyle, of Reading My Tea Leaves, has a beautifully simple aesthetic. She has been writing a bit about keeping things gentle and easy for the holiday season. This post about a children’s book advent calendar is beautiful, with lots of helpful links included. I love, love, love that she encourages the maker to include books from the library in the mix. I also found a link to artist Anna Brones via Erin. Anna has offered an online 24 Days of Making, Doing and Being…Digital Advent Calendar 2022. I checked it out and signed up (for $10.00) right away. The lovey part is, if you sign up after December 1st (which I did), Anna provides access to the archives of days you missed. Anna’s daily email has become something I look forward to with delight.

(Spoiler alert for Lindsey and Gretta!) Batman and I have been putting together little waxed paper bags of goodies for Maggie and Flora. We will number them and send them off so that our two oldest grandkids will have something special to open each morning as the days get darker and darker. What fun its been to collect things and package them up for the girls. xo

So, I guess I’m inviting you, dearest ones, to join me in embracing the season of light. Maybe you celebrate Christmas, maybe it’s Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa or the Solstice, or you’ve already enjoyed Diwali. However you celebrate, friends, please…open the doors wide. Make room for advent season…the coming into being of light and love and hope.